Perspective Matters

Managing life from day to day can and does present challenges whereby our thoughts, we find, pelt our mind with what some would call “reality” or “glass half empty” thinking. Every heart, and every mind is susceptible to falling into this frame of perceiving what life looks like here and now. It is so easy to fall into the trap and or habit of conceding to  negative thinking such as, “Life is terrible and my circumstances will never get any better”. Or thinking such as this often persists in the mind, “who cares about my life anyway?”

Negative thoughts, no matter how real they appear or true they feel to us must be challenged each and every time these thoughts emerge in our mind. If allowed to fester, thoughts like these will, inevitably, take root, and we know what happens when something takes root, it grows and spreads like wild.

Combat negative thinking by challenging these thoughts each and every time they emerge. Don’t wait and allow them to take root in your mind. Pluck it out immediately least it takes root. Once allowed to grow, the roots of negative thinking are difficult to remove. Not impossible, but challenging nonetheless. So, be prepared, no matter how dire the situation may appear, to use positive messages in your defense. These messages may come in the form of simple statements that affirm you as a person. Write them down in your android or iPhone or on a sheet of paper. Be prepared to use these affirmations when needed. Have them handy.

Remain strong and steadfast. Stand firm.



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